What is your name (Name on file with Stampin' Up!)?< /br>Quel est votre nom? (Nom donné à Stampin' Up!)*
Lisa Fennewald
What is your name (Name on file with Stampin' Up!)?< /br>Quel est votre nom? (Nom donné à Stampin' Up!)*
Lisa Fennewald
What state do you live in?
What is your DBWS address (other)?
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Thanks. I'll think about your warning before I go ahead.
Do you have to pay a fee to be listed on Stampin up as a demonstrator? I searched for myself and only one person is listed in my town and it is not me.
Thanks Lisa for joining our Group Classic Crafters! I hope this will be a way for us to share ideas virtually since you are located in Utah! Hope to meet you soon! Maybe at convention in July???? - Kim Plank
Lisa, Thank you so much for your comments on two of my projects; it is so nice to read them! Thank you! Stay well, Donna
Hi Lisa! It's funny! When people comment on Bellevue/Lincoln/Omaha, Runza almost always seems to come up, LOL! I haven't been there in so long, but darn that sounds good! Have a happy day! Your projects are lovely!
Thanks for your e-mail. I really enjoyed you!!! Would love to see you again in the very near future, as I consider you a great new friend. Maybe you could help me post some samples when I am ready (hopefully very soon). Have a great day. Talk to you later.