What is your name (Name on file with Stampin' Up!)?< /br>Quel est votre nom? (Nom donné à Stampin' Up!)*
Brenda Peppel
What is your name (Name on file with Stampin' Up!)?< /br>Quel est votre nom? (Nom donné à Stampin' Up!)*
Brenda Peppel
What state do you live in?
What is your DBWS address (other)?
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Also, if didn't notice that you have joined our "Downline Only" section yet. (Unless I've overlooked you). So, if you haven't, please join in "The Year-Round Fun Set Group". You might also want to post that you're looking for that set there too.
Good luck in your search!
I'm on the site, but not very knowledgeable on how to use it. By the way, I love your photo. You are beautiful. When was that taken? Call me any evening but Thursday. I'm planning a Make n' Take Workshop the first weekend in March. I think it's March 6