

April 12

What is your name (Name on file with Stampin' Up!)?< /br>Quel est votre nom? (Nom donné à Stampin' Up!)*

April Aldstadt

What state do you live in?


What is your DBWS address (other)?


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  • April thanks for your comment.  I have posted the directions for my business card/artist trading card magnet back with the original post if you are still intereted.


  • Hi April!  That is SO AWESOME!  Thanks so much!  There are so many places to check out on here and I end up getting lost.  I will check out your direct link and such now.  Thank you, thank you, humbly!!!!!  I will try my hand at this too!  Sincerely, Donna
  • Hi there, I saw and like your card (which has NO stamping; LOL) and went to your blog re: those flowers which I didn't know were die cuts....  You wrote, "This week's sketch challenge on Stampin' Connection (SCCSC55) was..."  Where do we post such challenges??  Thanks!!  Donna


  • can't find whjat you said to look for located where
  • Hi April! I answered you under my pic,but I know tat it doesnt tell you I answered,I think :s.  anyway I actually got them in PA!lol. At the ikea in Philly.  I store ribbon and my small punches in them. They work great!(the bars are from ikea as well=))
  • Hi April!  Thanks for your comments on my SA necklace!  I love my Canon camera.  I used a piec of the white chipboard that comes with DSP and taped two pieces together to form the bottom and back of my little "photo booth". I drapped the chain over the top back drop. I then set my camera to macro and took from a little bit of a top angle versus straigt on so that the flash wouldn't be glaring off the beveled glass.  Hope that helps!  I took more than one picture to get the right one!!  Jacque
  • Thanks April! Yes that is BJ my husband, the picture is actually one of our engagement pics. Thanksgiving was nice, hope you and your family had a great holiday as well!
  • April - Snowman Soup is a package with a hot cocoa pouch, mini marshmellows, a couple Hershey Kisses, and a candy cane. There is a poem that goes along with it that goes:
    Was told that you've been good this year.
    Always glad to hear.
    With freezing weather drawing near
    You'll need to warm the spirit
    So here's a little snowman soup
    Complete with stirring stick
    Add Hot water, sip it slow
    It's sure to do the trick.

    The Magic Reindeer Food is a mixture of quick oats and candy sprinkles in a cello bag with a topper. Some people use glitter but it's not very earth friendly in case birds come to eat it. It also has a poem:

    Sprinkle on the lawn at night,
    The moon will make it sparkle bright,
    As Santa's reindeer fly and roam,
    This will guide them to your home.
    "Homemade Christmas Fudge" is just a large Hershey bar wrapped in DSP or cardstock and also has a poem:

    Dashing through the malls
    With groceries left to buy,
    Classes, work and housekeeping,
    Life's so crazy! Why?
    Bells on telephone ring,
    The machine will take the call,
    We have no time for friends,
    It drives me up the wall.

    How are you? How's your life?
    We really want to know.
    Hope you are ready for Christmas,
    Now maybe it will snow.

    A day or two ago,
    I thought I'd make a treat,
    For all my special friends,
    A Christmas gift to eat.

    My intentions were top notch,
    But my schedule wouldn't budge,
    So, here is this year's version,
    Of "Homemade" christmas Fudge!

    Nugget boxes are boxes made out of cardstock and DSP that hold Hershey Nuggets. There is a thread on Splitcoast Stampers that has the instructions for various sizes. You could go to their gallery and search for "nugget box" and it will probably bring up a ton of them. I hope this helps!
  • April...I got your message and clicked on the link once to view, but was at work and needed to check which dies I had that weren't already spoken for on your swap. Didn't come back to check the email again until today (7/29), so I may have already missed my opportunity to participate. I can't view the earlier link. email me if you still need participants in your swap and let me know when the deadline is to get projects in. Thanks, Annie
  • Thanks for asking me. I have never done a swap and would love to do one sometime but I can't do the Build a Bear swap because I borrowed the die from a friend when making my Build a Bear samples. She has most of the accessory dies, too.
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